Tiger Corp. was assigned the task to manufacture a large freestanding sign to act as a display and vertical garden. Each letter is to be 3 meters high, manufactured from bent galvanized pipe, and covered in wire to enable plants to grow up and over the top. A real statement piece for Springvale.
The Process
Under the watchful gaze of the Landscape Architects and as per our Engineer’s report each letter was crafted by hand. Carefully bent to shape and welded to achieve not only the look required but the strength needed to make the sign stand in place for years to come. Each letter was attached to the footings for installation, painted, and finally carefully wrapped in wire.
Failing to plan is planning to fail and our installers are the best in the business. With footings prepared, concrete poured and a crane at the ready each letter was carefully lifted into place and safely secured. The end was in sight and after months of discussions, meetings, plans, and site visit the architects’ vision had come to life.
The Final Result
Picture perfect in every way. Not even the architects and builders could believe the end result. We took their dream and made it a reality, on time, on budget.
If you are looking for a custom project, please contact us or call 18000TIGER